Embrace or Reject? Decoding Indigenous Perspectives on Development Programmes

By Léna ProuchetNew Rhythms of Development blog series

Entrepreneurship has become one of the main strategies used by international organisations and NGOs to promote sustainable development in the Global South. This approach has been highly criticised and deemed unfit to address structural issues underlying poverty. Such criticism has also been rooted in case studies of indigenous and local communities rejecting “development” initiatives. This blog post, based on field work in the Peruvian Amazon, reveals a nuanced perspective on the relationship between local communities and “entrepreneurship for development” projects. It shows how locals leverage projects to access new resources that fulfil basic needs and achieve aspirations for a better lifestyle, while still giving importance to some aspects of their traditional lifestyle.

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La résilience a-t-elle fait son temps? Réflexions sur une notion controversée

Par Basile Boulay, Emma Tyrou, Diana Prelorenzo et Jordie Blanc

Dans un contexte d’urgence écologique et démocratique, la notion de résilience a-t-elle encore un sens ? Et si oui, par qui et comment est-elle mobilisée ? Que peuvent nous apprendre les cas du Brésil, du Maroc et de la Bretagne sur cette notion contestée ? Ce billet de blog se propose de restituer les échanges d’une plénière, à l’occasion des deuxièmes journées doctorales Regards critiques sur le développement, qui se sont tenues à Aubervilliers (Campus Condorcet) en octobre 2023.  

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Water Operator Partnerships after 15 years: Re-politicising the debate

By Andrea Beck

Just over 15 years have passed since the UN Secretary-General’s Advisory Board on Water and Sanitation (UNSGAB) published a plan that proposed, inter alia, the concept of Water Operator Partnerships (WOPs). In this plan, which was released in March 2006, WOPs were envisioned as “a structured programme of cooperation among water operators, based on mutual support and on a not-for-profit basis.” The idea was to use peer-to-peer learning and knowledge exchange to develop the capacities of water operators, so that they could deliver reliable, good-quality services on the way to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Continue reading “Water Operator Partnerships after 15 years: Re-politicising the debate”

Surging or Subsiding? How Mining Sector Booms Impact Female Empowerment

By Audrey Au Yong Lyn

Mexico experienced a major mining boom as a result of the 2007-2008 global financial crisis, which produced sharp increases in the prices of precious metals mined in Mexico such as gold and silver. Mining is a male-dominated profession, so what happened to female welfare during the boom? This think piece discusses the results of a study of data from mining communities in Mexico before and during the boom on two significant determinants of female empowerment, namely intra-household decision making and intimate partner violence (IPV). Continue reading “Surging or Subsiding? How Mining Sector Booms Impact Female Empowerment”

Disaster response: why democracy matters

By Isabelle Desportes

It is inherent to times of crises, and we can witness it in the way the COVID-19 pandemic is being handled too: strong leadership emerges, many decisions and emergency legislative mechanisms are enforced, and some key issues move to the background. While such centralistic measures are often necessary, they also bear the risk of infringing on an effective and socially just handling of crises, and shape our societies on the long term. Continue reading “Disaster response: why democracy matters”